
Too Legit to Quit by LoLC

If you arrived on this page after being handed the above by a total stranger:
congratulations--you just met one of my parents.

And welcome to the League, where business cards ordered ironically and meant to stay on one's desk as a self-taunting reminder of one's peculiar life choices occasionally get distributed by one's progenitors to hapless passersby.

Anyway, thanks for playing along. If eclectic posts at unpredictable intervals are your thing, you're totally in the right place.




For Posterity by LoLC

I received a number of requests for poster versions of "Summer 2014." They are now available from the League Store, here. Please be advised that because I'm the one who drew it, the aspect ratio is not at all normal. Sorry about that. Despite the unusual shape, Zazzle still offers a choice of sizes and paper types, so at least you're covered on that front.

Summer 2014: posters
Summer 2014: posters by LeagueOfLostCauses
Click here to see more posters from the League Store.

Astronomy Fans Are Awesome by LoLC

In other exciting news -- for those who missed the various announcements over on Facebook -- The League's sky chart has gone multilingual thanks to the efforts of several international space enthusiasts. Only 6000 or so translations to go before the whole planet can follow along!

In the meantime, though, four has a nice symmetry to it.


(click on images to enlarge)

English (original post)

Italian (posted on Il blog della Curiosona)

Spanish (posted on Cosmo Noticias)

Polish (posted on Kocham Kosmos)

Ta-da! by LoLC

Hey, guess what? The new & improved League site is finally good to go! Possibly at the expense of my nervous system, but totally worth it.

So go ahead: read posts that are actually aligned! click links with impunity! admire the new logo!

And if you are the nostalgic type, take a moment to bid farewell to the original League design, which I literally cut-and-pasted at my kitchen table late one night in March 2012.


Adieu, old friend.

(click on image to enlarge)