
Paths Not Taken by LoLC

Recently, I found my accordion file of ideas for what to do after graduating from college.  Apparently I had a lot of them.

There were some real treasures in there. Including, in the "Acronyms" pocket, my initial application to be a Special Agent with the Secret Service (USSS).

I never pursued that one.



(...or did I?)


(click on image to enlarge)

But the true scope of my youthful planning is evidenced by the last pocket. Which was, needless to say, conspicuously empty.

The growing repertoire of "career" fiascos can be seen here.

Ta-da! by LoLC

Hey, guess what? The new & improved League site is finally good to go! Possibly at the expense of my nervous system, but totally worth it.

So go ahead: read posts that are actually aligned! click links with impunity! admire the new logo!

And if you are the nostalgic type, take a moment to bid farewell to the original League design, which I literally cut-and-pasted at my kitchen table late one night in March 2012.


Adieu, old friend.

(click on image to enlarge)

Omphaloskepsis by LoLC

(click on image to enlarge)

Facts that can be gleaned about my preschool self from a plate I made thirty-one years ago this month:

1. I acknowledged the existence of my older brother,

2. I was hyper-attuned to navels and nostrils, and

3. My grasp of human anatomy was otherwise tenuous at best.

All these years later, two out of three are still true!

Happy birthday, mybrother.

Thanks for the endless fodder, and I'm glad you actually have extremities and a neck.