
Too Legit to Quit by LoLC

If you arrived on this page after being handed the above by a total stranger:
congratulations--you just met one of my parents.

And welcome to the League, where business cards ordered ironically and meant to stay on one's desk as a self-taunting reminder of one's peculiar life choices occasionally get distributed by one's progenitors to hapless passersby.

Anyway, thanks for playing along. If eclectic posts at unpredictable intervals are your thing, you're totally in the right place.




Omphaloskepsis by LoLC

(click on image to enlarge)

Facts that can be gleaned about my preschool self from a plate I made thirty-one years ago this month:

1. I acknowledged the existence of my older brother,

2. I was hyper-attuned to navels and nostrils, and

3. My grasp of human anatomy was otherwise tenuous at best.

All these years later, two out of three are still true!

Happy birthday, mybrother.

Thanks for the endless fodder, and I'm glad you actually have extremities and a neck.