
Meanwhile, on the Interwebs... by LoLC

(click on image to enlarge)

As a member of the Young Astronauts club back in 1988, I pretty much assumed that building model rockets, visiting an observatory, and tasting freeze-dried ice cream were about as far as my cosmic inclinations would ever take me.

So I am both bewildered and thrilled to announce that The League's "sometimes-humorous but mostly-accurate" guide to the sky is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day over on the NASA-affiliated APOD site! The honor of being featured alongside galaxies and nebulae is, astonishingly, even cooler than those special lunch line passes of yore.

This NASAchievement caps a recent, inexplicable flurry of social media-fueled interest in The League that inundated me with so many Facebook notifications that I was sure I'd been hacked. To all my new fans: I'm sorry I thought you were robots. It's awesome that you're real, and thanks for joining the party!

NB: Original "Astronomy 101" post -- and links to its various translations (!) -- are here.

Full-Contact Sloth by LoLC

Proving once and for all that I take napping to a whole new extreme, I have somehow managed to sustain a nerve injury most common to football players, car accident victims, and recently-birthed sleeping.

Because of course.

Though about as lost cause-y as it gets, this development is not great news for my League productivity (ironically?). Site repairs are on hold, and new posts may come even fewer and farther between than usual--but once I no longer have shooting pains down my arm I totally intend to make up for lost time. (Which there's been a lot of lately. Sorry about that.)

Anyway. Thanks for sticking with this crazy experiment of a blog through all its recent tribulations. To reward your patience, here's where all references to sloth should really lead:

Well, so much for February. by LoLC

Hi, people.

I'm still here.
The cat is still here.
We have been distracted by life, blizzards, saucers of milk, new bedding, etc.

But our lost causiness is very much intact, and The League has not been forgotten! In fact, a major design overhaul is in the works, so brace yourselves for that magnificence.

In the meantime, I finally got around to updating the League Store, which now boasts 68 (!) bumper stickers and several long since requested items, including "Complimentary" cards and wearable reminders of lab safety. So if browsing is your thing, that should help pass the time.

Thanks for being patient!


Slings, Arrows by LoLC

For reasons I won't dwell on, the past ten days have been rather rough going for me.*

The League has suffered.

But then, at tonight's archery class, this happened!

Followed by all of this!

(click on image to enlarge)

And as it turns out, the pretend slaughter of woodland creatures is really cathartic!

Even for vegetarians.

So I think we're maybe back on track now. Thanks for your patience.

There are surely big changes ahead for The League in 2014, when I'll have to adapt my drawing subjects and frequency to reflect the onslaught of wonderful, happy things that must be just around the corner.

But in the meantime, I've got a backlog of angsty delights to finish. Watch this space.


*don't worry, the cat's holding steady.